Thursday, January 15, 2009

Assignment #4-Linking back to my peers

Hey everybody,

I have been reading many of your assignment #3 blogs and they all look amazing. I especially liked Jessica, Allyson, and Sandra's blogs they were all done very well and thorough.

The first one I read was Jessica's and it had an excellent summary about what Christopher Moore's blog was about, to sort of give us an idea of what we may be reading next. She also added a lot of her imaginative predictions on what she thought 2109 would probably look like. Here is an example of her writing that really gave me something to be happy about in the future. "I am optimistic that the environment will change for the better." Her blog was different than the other ones I read because almost everybody else including me thought that the environment would change for the worst except for her. It really gave me something else to think about. To know why she thought the environment will change for the better instead of worst check out Jessica's Blog.

The second blog I read was Allyson's. She had thought a lot about the future, and listed many realistic and possible predictions of what it might look like. She too added a few things that makes the future look a lot better then most people did. Here is an example from her writing that is something everybody would probably hope for someday. "I hope that when 2109 comes there will be a cure for all diseases and so that no one will have to suffer anymore." I mean who wouldn't want a disease-free environment or country. Check out Allyson's Blog to find out why exactly she hoped for a disease-free world and other positive stuff she hoped for to make us more confident of the future.

The third blog I read was Sandra's. She to has done what Allyson and Jessica has done and they were all amazing. But what I like the most about Sandra's blog was that she connected a few very unusual things to help her readers sort of understand what she is trying to say. For example, she sort of connected how we would react to 2109 to how people from 500 years ago would react to 2009. Here is an example of what I just explained in Sandra's words. "If you think about it, just imagine that a person from the past came back to life again to the 21 first century. Think about what they would see and how different their life was compared to now." Read Sandra's blog to know exactly what she thought about it and try to make your own predictions.

So as you can see or have read that each one of these are excellent. Theirs and many of the others I read were done really well for many different reasons.


Shauna Pollock said...

Wow! This is awesome!

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